I’m Emma. I am a Clinical Nutritionist but most importantly I am a mother to three amazing little humans and the wife to an incredible man. I’m a lifelong seeker of contentment and what it takes to stay in that level of awareness. I am blessed with the best when it comes to my parents, and its the combination of my mother’s love for cooking and my father’s quest for human understanding that led me down the path of nutrition. At the heart of it all; food fuels our body, mind and soul and I am a big believer that what we put in, is what we get out of our lives.
Growing up I danced quite competitively and was extremely active. I thought I was eating healthy, but seemed to always have issues with my body, particularly with the reproductive and gastrointestinal systems. I fell into calorie counting, and low fat diets (as most dancers do). Unfortunately the constant push for athleticism and lack of nutrients to sustain a healthy body, led me to severe and chronic constipation and hypothalamic amenorrhoea (absent menstruation) for more than 2 years. Intuition kicked in, and I knew I needed to make a change. With the knowledge of my nutritional medicine degree, combined with a change of perspective towards physical activity, I turned my health around, and after almost 3 years without a cycle, my husband and I were blessed with the greatest gift- our son! Extremely taken back as I had yet to have a menstruation, I continued to fuel my body with optimal nutrition and Oliver was born full term and extremely healthy.
Two more children (and a whole lot of wonderful chaos) later, I found my practice brimming with women just like me, to which I innately believe it's due to the extra (and often ridiculous) demands women seem to put on ourselves in this modern world- and yet our bodies haven’t quite caught up!
Just like with every stage of life comes different challenges, so do the different nutritional needs. I deal with women of all ages: pre and post pregnancy care, teenage women, women within the reproductive age bracket, peri-menopausal women and even our wonderful, wise and soulful elderly women.
I provide a real approach, which is directed individually to your needs, to ensure we get the results you need. I really believe there are lots of ways to get to an end goal, and have many tools in my basket to provide a holistic, yet evidence based experience.
All in all, I am on this wonderful journey of life, constantly learning, tweaking and carving out what it is to be a women. I implore you to jump on; let's learn something new together.
So my question is…. Are you ready?

Clinic Hours
Monday: 9am-5pm
*Wednesday: 9am-2:30pm
*Friday: 9am-2:30pm
* Telehealth consults